Admin a écrit :
> Hi there,
> I am using fetchmail to pop3 mail from gmail.  But when I receive email
> I find that fetchmail is using postfix to deliver the mail to the
> corresponding internal mailbox.  postfix responds with the following
> error and best I can tell the mail never ends up in my inbox.  Looks
> like localhost is considered  The error message,
> /etc/hosts, and postconf -n are below.

it looks like you are a victim of ${yourself} + ${debian package}.

- debian package enables chroot by default
- debian package disables append_dot_mydomain
- you removed localhost from mydestination
- you used localhost in fetchmail configuration

a quick fix would be to add localhost to mydestination.

- you should also disable chroot (edit and set the 5th field
to 'n') until you feel ready for chrooting.
- find out why you get for localhost. if this is returned by
your ISP DNS server, then get far away from such a server.

> Here is the error message:

In general, we ignore these as well as errors showns in a mailer... etc.
  we prefer _logs_.

> [snip]

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