On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 12:34:00PM -0500, Noel Jones wrote:

> Jaime Kikpole wrote:
>> I just migrated most users from one server to another one.  However, a
>> few things still need to work on the first server.  One of them is a
>> web-based program named Request Tracker (RT).
>> When RT sends an email to me, it is coming from
>> r...@atlas.cairodurham.org.  I am trying to make that say
>> r...@cns.cairodurham.org, instead.
>> The reverse DNS lookup is atlas, but there is also a CNAME for cns.
>> The original email coming out of RT says "From: "Enoch Root via RT"
>> <r...@cns.cairodurham.org>".  However, it seems to be rewrtiten as
>> "From: "Enoch Root via RT" <r...@atlas.cairodurham.org>" by the time it
>> arrives in my inbox.
> Don't use a CNAME in a mail address.

Sendmail often rewrites these. Postfix typically leaves CNAME domains
alone. The OP should avoid these, but otherwise, should find out *where*
along the delivery path the CNAME is replaced with the underlying name.


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