
I have to build a mail system with one main server (main) who send mails to several secondaries servers on the net as serv1, serv2, servX, for the same domain but how to send mail from the serv1 to an user on the serv2 for the same domain without got the "user unknown" reply on serv1 and force to send it to main who know where to send it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Sam Przyswa - Chef de projet
Email: s...@arial-concept.com
Arial Concept - Intégrateur Internet
36, rue de Turin - 75008 - Paris - France
Tel: 01 40 54 86 04 - Fax: 01 40 54 83 01
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Skype ID: arial-concept
Web: http://www.arial-concept.com

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