On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 09:17:20AM +0200, Wim Groen wrote: > This is the master.cf: > vacation unix - n n - - pipe > flags=FRq user=vmail argv=/usr/local/bin/responder ${sender} > ${recipient} > > When I look at the file it looks good: > -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3871 Jul 31 2007 responder
The file is clearly a shell/Perl/... script of some sort, few machine executables are this short these days. The "no such file..." may refer to the interpreter in "#! /path/to/interpreter" at the top of the file. -- Viktor. Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored. Please do not ignore the "Reply-To" header. To unsubscribe from the postfix-users list, visit http://www.postfix.org/lists.html or click the link below: <mailto:majord...@postfix.org?body=unsubscribe%20postfix-users> If my response solves your problem, the best way to thank me is to not send an "it worked, thanks" follow-up. If you must respond, please put "It worked, thanks" in the "Subject" so I can delete these quickly.