Michael Durket:
> In situations where there are tens of thousands of messages piling up in
> the Postfix mail queue, running a 'postqueue -p' command and then
> waiting until the last line prints isn't a very timely way to find out  
> the
> current queue size (I'm thinking in terms of a periodic monitor like
> Nagios for example).
> So what's the best way to quickly (i.e. less than a few seconds) get the
> current queue count out of Postfix?
Fastest: have a dedicated file system and count the number
of used versus free inodes (df -i). This produces an
instantaneous result regardless of the queue size (*).

Slower: a suitable perl script that exploits the fact that 
directories have one-character names. I'll leave that up
to Victor.

Slower: a suitable incantation of the find command.

Slowest: mailq/postqueue -p, because that opens each file.


(*) Except on systems where df(1) secretly invokes sync(2);
    SunOS was such an example.

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