On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 22:35:11 -0400
Andrew Thompson <andre...@aktzero.com> wrote:

> Other than hanging around and possibly multiplying in mail queues,
> what is the hate for backscatter founded in? Isn't this one of those
> things you're going to have to deal with if you run a mail server?

More to the point, is there *any* valid reason to blame Postfix for any
particular flavor of backscatter? I see nothing but constant
affirmation of best practices in the design of and support for Postfix.
Even someone who runs a hobby server like I do with ~1000 mails a day
can run a safe mail server with a reasonable effort thanks to this

Don't feed the troll, but do tell me if there is any backscatter source
typical of a Postfix install that I might need to watch for.

Speaking as someone who runs an application that generates automated
mail (a play by email game server), I'm grateful for returned mail and I
take care to make sure that it goes someplace where it can be used to
stop the sorceror's apprentice from making more brooms. I hate it when
providers don't notify me when they won't deliver mail because it
doesn't give me a chance to fix the problem.

Chris Babcock

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