On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 07:57:00PM -0700, Jacky Chan wrote:

> Dear all,
> First thx for your help, I implemented a slow mail queue to yahoo in my
> Postfix 2.5.5 installation.
> I encountered this issue, some emails to yahoo queued up (just 10 message)
> at active queue without delivery attempt for 1280. I don't sure why cause
> it. So I try to manually delivery one to yahoo by myself, and this one
> delivery immediately and then trigger the else with 1280+ queue time in
> active queue to be deliverred at the slow mail queue. 

The rate_delay feature was repaired in Postfix 2.5.7. All users of
this feature should be using a Postfix release with a mail_release_date
after 20090305.

+       Bugfix: in the "new queue manager", the _destination_rate_delay
+       code needed to postpone the job scheduler updates after
+       delivery completion, otherwise the scheduler could loop on
+       blocked jobs.  Victor & Wietse.  File: qmgr/qmgr_entry.c,
+       qmgr/qmgr_queue.c, qmgr/qmgr_job.c.
+       Cleanup: report a "queue file write error", instead of
+       passing though bogus 2xx replies from proxy filters to SMTP
+       clients.  File: smtpd/smtpd_proxy.c.


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