On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 03:30:55PM -0400, Rob Foehl wrote:

> Surprisingly enough, which isn't a standard utility -- and it's not 
> installed by default in the "minimal" package sets on several platforms, 
> mostly Linux variants.  (Yes, this is annoying.)
> /usr/bin/env is probably the safest bet here.  Isn't portability fun?

"type" is a built-in in POSIX shells, and even the pre-historic SunOS
/bin/sh has a "type" built-in, be it a bare-bones version that does not
support the "-p" switch, that is sufficient. So another possibility is:

    set -- `type find`
    shift `expr $# - 1`
    # Now, $1 is the full path of "find".
    # ...

This said, the `postconf -h queue_directory` solution is likely simplest
for now.


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