>> One of our users is requesting a batch of e-mail aliases ranging
>> j10...@domain.com to j10...@domain.com
>> I made the following regexp which kind of does the trick:
>> /j10[0-3][0-9][0-...@domain\.com/ thisaddr...@domain.com
>> But this adds the range of j10300 to j10399 which isn't wanted.
>> So I tried the following regexp:
>> /j(10001..10300)\...@domain\.com/ thisaddr...@domain.com
>> But that's not working....

>Indeed, since ranges like that simply are not supported in regular
>expressions. This should work:

>/^j10([0-2][0-9][0-9]|300)@example\.com$/ thisaddr...@example.com

Ofcourse! Guess I mixed up the ranges thing from doing too many Perl

This will work just fine.... 


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