On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 03:51:49PM -0600, Curtis wrote:

> > Curtis:
> > > We're not manually creating them, these are archived queue files that
> > were
> > > pulled from the hold queue, and then later released by being dropped
> > into
> > > the maildrop queue (using the technique discussed earlier in this
> > thread).
> > 
> > This is safe only when the maildrop queue is "stopped", that is,
> > 
> > 1) No submissions with the Postfix sendmail command while these
> >    files are in the maildrop directory, otherwise mail will be
> >    lost.
> > 
> > 2) No pickup daemon and no postsuper command, otherwise pickup will
> >    read incomplete files and throw them away, or it will make
> >    duplicate deliveries as files get renamed.
> Based on earlier conversations in this thread (from February), it was
> determined to be safe to drop messages into the maildrop queue if we created
> the files using a unique filename and mode 0600, and then switched them to
> mode 0700 once the file was ready.  Hopefully that's still true...

Only if you don't have "postsuper" racing against you.


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