
I look for a tool like Archivemail (
http://archivemail.sourceforge.net ) but I need to archive my mails in
Maildir format. Archivemail archives only in mbox format.

My purpose : I need to backup old mails (eg : older than 180 days)
from one imap server to another imap server.

Backup mail is a postfix server with courier-imap, squirrelmail... So,
when my customer would like to look at her older mail, he can access
to it on this server.

Until now, I didn't found a good tools to do this stuff.

I think to develop tools do this stuff, how ?

* a python script to extract the list of mails (maildir files) to backup
* use this list with rsync, scp or other tools to do the transfer
* next delete this file on origin server

What do you think about ? Have you another idea or solution ?

Thanks for your comment,

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