You must configure your path to postfix mail log and iptables. Edit the
script pf-ip-killer and set the variables to your enviroment.
_ Julio Cesar Covolato
0v0 <ju...@psi.com.br>
/(_)\ F: 55-11-3129-3366
Julio Cesar Covolato escreveu:
I made a litle shell script to stoping bootnets and zombis, and I want
know what you think about it.
The purpose is drop via iptables hosts that are rejected several
times in a litle space of time, reading the log generated by postfix.
Tested in a Linux box.
The script is so poor, but it's functional! I think that using perl
will be very better ( Anyone? I'm very bad in perl, sorry!).
Just download, untar, configure (optional), and run it by comand line
for a few minutes, and see the show!!!!!!!
The idea is block via firewall the connections that is garbage. Test it!!
Download pf-ip-killer :