2009/5/9 Patrick Saweikis <psawei...@techpro.com>: > relay to the transport_maps location, try this other. I had done some > research and found that smtp_fallback_relay should do what I need. I tried > implementing this without success, I am getting “unknown mail transport > error” when enabling that option, whether the transport_maps location is > accessible or not.
Well, how did you try to implement it? Show the output of `postconf -n` and log entries demonstrating this failure. As Brian says, adding the redundancy/failover at the DNS level is probably the way to go, transport_maps are a single-valued deal. If you care enough to use a transport map, you don't just want it going out some other relay when there's a problem. All too often it happens that using the "backup plan" becomes the norm (applies to all systems, not just mail), it means the system probably needs re-working.