2009/4/27 morphium <morph...@morphium.info>:
> I did now set
> virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
> modified /etc/postfix/virtual to:
> .* t.re...@dotsource.de
> [thats me]
> did postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
> and restarted postfix

As stated, you should read up the docs for Virtual. As a hint, it
looks like you're trying to use a regex in /etc/postfix/virtual -
regex-based tables are NOT postmapped, you need to understand why you
postmap files.
http://www.postfix.org/DATABASE_README.html (see pcre or regexp)

I did a very quick test on a somewhat-live server; you can probably
get away with using a ".*" regex, but it looks like this will also
catch your own destination address; you'll need to make sure you add
an exception for that (I was lazy and used a static mapping)

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