Steve Head:
> This all works well for most of the lists we have, however on the
> largish list (without fail in my testing today) I get for the first
> three deliveries (which all happen to be local): 550 Mailbox unknown,
> 250 Successful delivery, followed by a 452 Over quota. and then postfix
> immediately sticks it in the deferred queue and then attempts to deliver
> to the same 3 recipients 10 minutes later, without attempting to deliver
> to any other addresses.  I can see other lists where postfix is
> successfully reciving a 452 over quota but still going and delivering to
> the rest of the recipients on the list.
>       C5012280E0     6390 Wed Apr 22 16:56:29 
>       (host[] said: 452 4.2.2 Over quota (in 
> reply to RCPT TO command))

Try delivering ONE recipient per LMTP transaction.

This parameter must be set in, and you must use "postfix reload".


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