On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 02:58:11PM -0400, Manuel Mely wrote:

> Today i have been involved in some discussion about Zimbra vs  Exchange 
> 2007. I don't know why, i decided to look for what Microsoft is using in 
> their MXs and i found this:
> $ telnet 25
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 mail85-va3.bigfish.com ESMTP Postfix EGGS and Butter
> quit
> 221 Bye
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> Is this real or is just a changed banner?

It is real. Microsoft bought Frontbridge, which is now "Exchange
Hosted Services" or something like that. The MX hosts for Frontbridge
are Postfix servers. The MailStore for hosted customers is typically
Microsoft Exchange.

It is possible that in the future, just as with Hotmail, Frontbridge
will have to migrate to an all Microsoft stack. Hotmail originally ran
on FreeBSD IIRC. Most people probably never knew or no longer remember
that Hotmail was once not Microsoft.

The MTA at Frontbridge was a heavily customized Postfix 1.1 last time I 
looked (long after it should properly have been 2.x, but I guess they
modified it too much to make the migration to 2.x worth their time).


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