I have a LAN with several computers on it used by a variety of users. I have one server on the LAN running OS X and have postfix installed (probably needs updating, but not gotten that far). What I want to do is to have users on the LAN send emails to other users on the LAN (u...@example.local ) and have those email addresses mapped to specific addresses on the remote server (f...@example.com, served by mail.example.com).

I do not want the users to be able to send mail via example.local to any other users but those that I have mapped, and I do not want to accept any mail from outside the LAN for u...@example.local, but might want accept mail for local users if they are sent to the outward facing rdns for the machine (say u...@subdomain.example.com).

So, i have a user bob who sends email to f...@example.local and my LAN's DNS points example.local's MX record to, and then postfix gets that mail, remaps it to fsm...@example.com and sends it out via a connection to mail.example.com. if bob tries to send to m...@example.local and there is no map, the user is rejected. If bob tries to send to m...@yahoo.com via the LAN postfix, it is rejected.'s postfix will ONLY send to mail.example.com and only for users in the map.

The question is, what is the best way to ensure that this works. What is the best map to use, and am I forgetting anything obvious?

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

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