Hello Jaroslaw,
Thank you very much for your detailed descriptions. I am slowly
beginning to get a more precise idea of the difference between a
content_filter and a milter. But to deepen my knowledge, I should
definitely read a bit more. The link you posted is a good way to do this.
I will probably set up an instance of Postfix with Rspamd for testing
purposes. This is new territory for me. Let's see how it goes.
Kind regards,
Am 08.03.2025 um 12:02 schrieb Jaroslaw Rafa via Postfix-users:
Dnia 7.03.2025 o godz. 22:27:45 Andreas Kuhlen via Postfix-users pisze:
By content_filter you mean amavis / spamassassin? Can the rspamd
milter do the dkim signing and replace amavis / spamassassin?
Content filter, in Postfix terms, is everything that runs after queue and
re-injects mail into Postfix after processing it, as described here:
It's a common problem when using content filters that mails get DKIM signed
twice, but not only this - other operations performed by Postfix can also be
performed twice, leading to wrong results, all depending on configuration.
Because of this, in my opinion (of course others may differ), you should
avoid after queue content filtering - especially the type that re-injects
mail using /usr/sbin/sendmail (when re-injecting mail using a separate
Postfix smtpd instance listening on a dedicated port, you can turn off some
double processing using options like no_milters) - and replace it by milters
whenever possible.
Both amavis and spamassassin can be run as milters instead of content
filters, using amavisd-milter and spamass-milter (or other alternatives,
there are a few spamassassin milters out there). If you run amavisd-new, it
can call spamassassin code internally, so you don't need a separate
spamassassin milter.
You can of course use rspamd instead, or in addition to above. It all
depends on how do you want to configure it.
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