Did this opportunity provide any meaningful changes in
documentation/usability? Any rebukes or insights to share some 90 days
- Matt
On 10/9/2024 9:34 AM, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:
Matt Saladna via Postfix-users:
On 10/8/2024 6:36 PM, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:
Time to throw some generative AI into the mix, I thought. I uploaded
the INSTALL instructions into Google's NotebookLM, and immediately
got a one-paragraph summary that appeared to make sense. This might
be useful for deciding whether to read the full text.
There isn't a future for sparse/unparseable documentation with respect
to next-generational parsing. Eventually documentation has to drive
toward GPT-friendly construction.
No surprise here. The past transition to hyperlinked text also
involved some structural change.
Today's AI is able to infer the purpose of a parameter from the
narrative text around it, not from syntax. Given a question in a
limited domain, an AI should be able to figure out what parameters
are relevant, and identify a relevant example in the text. That
requires suitable narrative text and examples. However, asking the
right question can be a large barrier for a novice.
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