Dirk St?cker via Postfix-users:
> Hello,
> > Postfix logs TLS status details before it logs delivery status details.
> ...
> > With plaintext delivery, that first line will not be logged.
> I know.
> > In both cases the logging shows the SMTP client process name and
> > process ID, and the remote SMTP server name, IP address, and port.
> > With all thath information, there should be no confusion about which
> > TLS status line belongs with which delivery status line.
> That's not what I search for.
> I could write a log analyzer which checks all lines, matches them and 
> removes the TLS and keep the remaining ones, but that's a lot of work. I 
> did setup an unencrypted test delivery and even picking that known test 
> out of the log was not trivial.

Well someone's gottas write something.

> My question was if there is an easy way to find not encrypted 
> connections in the logs. I need data to decide if I want to switch to 
> TLS only sending or not. ATM it seems getting that data is not really 
> easy.

Oh, for that you don't need to know if mail was sent with plaintext,
all you need is whether a domain or host can receive TLS email.


# Usage: perl thisfile /var/log/maillog

while (<>) {
    if (/^\S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ (\S+) \S+ TLS connection established to (\S+):/) {
        $encrypted{"$1$2"} = 1;
    } elsif (/^\S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ (\S+) \S+ to=(\S+), relay=(\S+),/) {
        print "$2\n" if ($encrypted{"$1$3"});

This will print recipient addresses thatwere sent over TLS.

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