Dunno if this is a known fact or not, but for me it was interesting news.

Calling tzset() before chroot() is not useful in glibc.  Because while glibc
caches the /etc/localtime values to avoid the need to re-read it on each
use, it also *resets* the cached values back to defaults if it doesn't find
/etc/localtime on the next use.

This is why /etc/localtime is needed in chroot, or else you'll always have
logging in UTC from chrooted postfix.

This is not as widely reported problem as it could've been, because many
modern system logging solutions (rsyslogd, systemd-journald) basically
ignore timestamps in the received messages and always add current system
timestamp anyway, effectively making all the attempts to include timestamps
in clients completely useless.  However, some messages which include
timestamps internally, are off - like logging from anvil for example
(cf "Date/Time String in American Format" thread on postfix-users).


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