# cat /etc/postfix/milter_header_checks
/^X-Spam.*YES/ FILTER local:/var/mail/spam
- man 5 transport
- man 8 local
fwiw, i have read those a number of times. one drowns in detail, and as
i am new here, i need structure as much as, or maybe before, detail.
I don't think that using local(8) as a content filter is a good idea,
perhaps you meant to instead use "REDIRECT" or "HOLD".
On 22.11.24 05:54, Randy Bush via Postfix-users wrote:
/^X-Spam.*YES/ REDIRECT s...@m0.rg.net
did the trick, along with a specific transport
s...@m0.rg.net local:/var/mail/spam
the transport is needed as this host is pretty much just an mx, and
different domains get transported off to different end hosts.
is there a more elegant way to do this?
I guess with amavis, you can quarantine e-mails and when needed, release
individual e-mails from quarantine on request.
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