On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Victor Duchovni wrote:

>> Either allow and support delimited addresses, or don't.  Accepting them and
>> then discarding them is... well, not right.
> No, sometimes one wants to do exactly that. The extension remains
> in message headers, even if lost from the envelope and can be rather
> useful in that context.
> If a virtual alias domain supports recipient delimiters, but a significant
> portion of the underlying domains do not, then dropping the extension is
> the right thing to do.
>    propagate_unmatched_extensions = canonical
> The default is:
>    propagate_unmatched_extensions = canonical, virtual

But that would also include the whole of virtual delivery, no? (e.g.
to virtual_domains etc

Don't you think that smtp_generic_maps is a better approach?



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