On 20.11.24 11:48, natan via Postfix-users wrote:
I have a specific problem - yes, I can solve it with opendmarc and opendkim, and score in spamassassin but that's out of the question - I only need to domain in "return-patch" and "From" for one specific domain and if it's different, then reject. I thought about doing something at the milter level in postfix. Or maybe you know some other solution?

How is it supposed to work?
If @domain.ltd in return-path and from: is dfferend then Reject "non allowed"

there is milternamed vrfydmn which supports this in reject mode.

or other from the same author that does the same:

they don't support individual domains though.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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