On 04.11.24 20:23, Adriel via Postfix-users wrote:
say i have a subdomain sub.xyz.com.

if I make a CNAME as,

sub.xyz.com CNAME to xyz.net

and, xyz.net has its own MX and SPF records.

my question is, for this DNS setup, will sub.xyz.com uses MX and SPF of xyz.net for its mail hosting?

I will use reserved names example.com and example.net instead.

if the DNS contains:

sub.example.com CNAME   example.net

then the RFC says that request for TXT or MX record of sub.example.com will return the TXT or MX record of example.net.

for example, when external users write to u...@sub.xyz.com, the messages will route to xyz.net's MX server. And, when u...@sub.xyz.com deliver message out, the peer MTA will use xyz.net's SPF for validation. Am I right?


Note that some old versions of sendmail did in this case replace sub.example.com by example.net in mail address. Should not happen anymore.

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