On Tue, Oct 29, 2024 at 09:07:00AM +0000, Ken Gillett via Postfix-users wrote:

> However, natural curiosity and desire to know more has meant spending
> far more time on this than intended, but I would still like to find
> the solution.

The local_recipient_maps table is queried by:

    - The full recipient address
    - The full address (with domain) sans extension
    - The localpart with and without extension if the domain is "local"
      (i.e. matches myorigin, mydestionation or proxy_interfaces).
    - @domain catchall

So if a particular address is not found, but its localpart is, then the
domain part is for some reason not determined to be local.

You haven't posted the usual output of:

    $ postconf -nf

or (because Postfix 2.5.5 predates "postconf -Mf"), the verbatim content
of the non-comment lines of "master.cf".  Nor any logs showing the
purported problem address being rejected.

It is not possible to offer much help, when your problem description is
so skimpy.  You could temporarily add a "-v" flag to the relevant
SMTP server master.cf entry, and issue a "postfix reload" (hopefully
the right one).  Then the details of the attempted lookups are results
will be in verbose logs, but before that some tangile non-anecdotal
configuration information and logs would be a first step.

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