berny wrote, at 04/08/2009 05:41 AM:

> 2. If yes,  what type do you use?
>        a) only PTR check [reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname]
>        b) or PTR=A check [reject_unknown_client_hostname]
> 3. What are your experiencies and opinion to it?

I have found it unsafe to use either. At the very least, it will reject
mail from poorly run (but legitimate) mailing lists. There are also an
alarming number of schools, government and other nonprofit sites that
cannot make it past these checks due to poorly configured DNS and the
lack of expertise to correct it. At the extreme end, some major
registrars cannot pass these checks, which could put domains at risk for
recipients who depend on email reminders to renew their domain

It's a shame, because enforcing these checks would have a noticeable
impact on spam, especially FCrDNS:

Sadly, I have been unable to uncover a method to use FCrDNS in a scoring
system. Ideally, I would like to use SpamAssassin, but if anyone knows
of another way, please share.

In any case, you can review the potential impact of the above directives
by including this in smtpd_(client|recipient)_restrictions:

  warn_if_reject reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname
  warn_if_reject reject_unknown_client_hostname

Watch your logs and monitor potential rejections. Be aware, however,
that it can take months to reveal something truly serious (like a yearly
notification from a registrar).

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