Hi again.
Now I have had several suggestions that using amavis is not the
preferred way to go.
Therefore I started all over.
Back to where I just had a clean install of clamav and clamav-daemon.
And of course my working postfix....
I then added:
clamav {
attachments_only = false;
symbol = "CLAM_VIRUS";
type = "clamav";
action = "reject";
servers = "/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl";
to a new file in /etc/rspamd/override.d/antivirus.conf
And now all looks fine!
Except some other stuff that I will look into before troubling you guys.
Thank you for your patience and your help!
Best regards
On 09-09-2024 13:52, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:
Danjel Jungersen via Postfix-users:
I have set up clamav, and I think it works....
But when a mail is recieved, it is first scanned by rspamd and then
clamav. Thats all fine.
But when clamav is done, rspamd scans it again.
My setup is debian, postfix, rspamd, clamav, dovecot.
Most of the setup fromhttps://workaround.org/ispmail-bookworm/
This causes 2 concerns for me.
1. The extra work done by the server (Not very busy, so the a very big
2. The second scan has a higher spamscore, so I fear that the second
scan goes above the reject setting and the server rejects mail from
itself :-(
I assume that it is postfix sending it to rspamd again.
How to avoid this?
I have not found a solution, though I have REALLY tried googling.
Let me guess. You have clamav as a content filter, and rspamd as
as a milter both before and after the content filter.
Solution: disable milters *after* the content filter.
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Med venlig hilsen
Danjel Jungersen
Jungersen Grafisk ApS
www.jungersen.dk <https://www.jungersen.dk>
Holsbjergvej 39
2620 Albertslund
Tel: 43 64 10 00
Mobil: 20 42 20 11
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