Glen via Postfix-users:
> Just joined and don't know if anyone can help. Hopefully someone can.
> Recently, my mail server appears to have been attached.
> I have blocked the subnet of the offender at my Firewall.
> Server Centos 7, running postfix for many years
> Problem:
>   *  ?Postfix does not start after a reboot.
>   * systemctl start postfix ...Job for postfix.service failed because
>     the control process exited with error code.
>   * systemctl status -l? postfix ...? Failed to start Postfix Mail
>     Transport Agent.
>   * systemctl restart postfix?? ... Job for postfix.service failed
>     because the control process exited with error code
>   * systemctl status -l dovecot ? ... Active: active (running)
> However, after a reboot
>   * postfix start? ... takes about 5 minutes
>   * postfix status ... postfix/postfix-script: the Postfix mail system
>     is running: PID: 2328
>   * emails system working correctly, but:
>   * systemctl status -l? postfix ...? Still says:? Active: failed
>     (Result: timeout)
>   * systemctl start? postfix? ... Also still says: Job for
>     postfix.service failed
> So email is working, systemctl shows failed and rebooting does not start 
> postfix.
> I'm not sure what to try.
> Any help is appreciated.

Postfix logs all failed and successful deliveries to a logfile.

  * When Postfix uses syslog logging (the default), the file is
    usually called /var/log/maillog, /var/log/mail, or something
    similar; the exact pathname is configured in a file called
    /etc/syslog.conf, /etc/rsyslog.conf, or something similar.

  * When Postfix uses its own logging system (see MAILLOG_README),
    the location of the logfile is configured with the Postfix
    maillog_file parameter.

When Postfix does not receive or deliver mail, the first order of
business is to look for errors that prevent Postfix from working

    % grep -E '(warning|error|fatal|panic):' /some/log/file | more

Note: the most important message is near the BEGINNING of the output.
Error messages that come later are less useful.

The nature of each problem is indicated as follows:

  * "panic" indicates a problem in the software itself that only a
    programmer can fix. Postfix cannot proceed until this is fixed.

  * "fatal" is the result of missing files, incorrect permissions,
    incorrect configuration file settings that you can fix. Postfix
    cannot proceed until this is fixed.

  * "error" reports an error condition. For safety reasons, a Postfix process 
will terminate when more than 13 of these happen.

  * "warning" indicates a non-fatal error. These are problems that you may not 
be able to fix (such as a broken DNS server elsewhere on the network) but may 
also indicate local configuration errors that could become a problem later.

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