I should pay more attention to which e-mail address I am using to
instill confidence.


On Thu, 2024-07-25 at 20:31 +0100, Keith wrote:
> On Thu, 2024-07-25 at 13:07 -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users
> wrote:
> > Bob via Postfix-users:
> > > Having put my foot in it by suggesting that Postfix might make
> > > calls to
> > > external functions requiring root access, in particular IPTables,
> > > what
> > > if Postfix had its own version of IPtables.
> > 
> > It was decided long ago that Postfix will be extensible with
> > different
> > tools from different manufacturers, allowing the system
> > administrator
> > to choose the best tool for the job. This approach reflects that
> > the initial market was organizations, and that the initial audience
> > was system administrators.
> > 
> > Michael W. Lucas recently wrote a book for individuals who wish to
> > "run your own mail server". It covers a wide range of topics, and
> > I think it lowers the barrier for entrance (despite the claim that
> > it is for the hard-core Unix sysadmin, by a fellow hard-core
> > sysadmin).
> > 
> >         Wietse
> > _______________________________________________
> > Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to postfix-users-le...@postfix.org
> OK... perhaps it is best to ignore me on this one but last time I
> programmed in anger, meaning I may have bodged it, I used Borland
> Pascal to interface a bunch of production test equipment for testing
> loudspeakers I designed to some IBM clones. C was suggested but I was
> MEH. These days I am also rubbish in Lazarus.
> Later on I got an NVQ in C, which was mostly Visual Basic and some
> train shunting problem. Also in the dim and distant past I had a play
> with assembler on a placement. The engine management system printer
> interface was broken.
> I assure you that the rest of my CV is similarly unimpressive.
> https://github.com/vdukhovni/postfix
> https://github.com/vdukhovni/postfix/blob/master/postfix/src/anvil/anvil.c
> If you are interested and I do not subsequently break your head can I
> ask some questions as to how to find snippets of your code that might
> do things related to those questions so I can fail to make sense of
> them and rob them to try and implement a/my thing?
> You can make a strong guess that I will need nursemading to get up
> and
> running but either I have to intall all/some of the Hardcore Unix add
> ons and work out how to use them or just go to the source and bend
> it.
> When the pain becomes too much tell me to get lost. You can do that
> now.
> Your starter for 5 is the only time I have ever cloned something from
> Git was Mastodon and whilst I was following the instructions (copy
> and
> paste), it fell over multiple times and then said, two hours later,
> it
> did not have enough memory. Mastodon is, apparently, infected by
> Linux
> Geeks.
> Oh. Someone said they did not understand what I was trying to say.
> That's kool. I know i do it and the excuse/reason is that I have an
> Attachement Deficit Disorder so, at best, my social skills are a bit
> broken along with my communication skills.
> Bob

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