Ralph Seichter via Postfix-users:
> * Ansgar Wiechers via Postfix-users:
> > [...]
> Did I ever send mail to you using the mailing list address you got
> barred from targeting, or send mail to you at all from my servers? No,
> I did not.
> You tried to initiate communication by sending mail to an address you
> had no reason to contact, this being a mailing list, and you were thus
> redirected to a page explaining how you could ask for permission to send
> to said protected address in case you had a legitimate reason to (which
> you don't). I have also provided an unrestricted email address so
> anybody can send mail to in order to ask for clearance for the protected
> address, something which you didn't do.
> All this is nothing like using a no-reply address, which is easy enough
> to understand. TL;DR: Apples and oranges.
> > Guess what just happened to horus-it.com on my mail server.
> Go on, guess if I care. :-)

No, don't. Please take this off-list.

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