On 17/06/2024 11:54, Paul Schmehl via Postfix-users wrote:
I’m seeing this error in the roundcube logs:

[16-Jun-2024 20:28:58 -0500]: <n142glqv> SMTP Error: Authentication failure: mail.stovebolt.com

/var/www/html/webmail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube.php on line 1794 (POST /webmail/?_task=mail&_unlock=loading1718587737852&_framed=1&_action=send)

[16-Jun-2024 20:34:16 -0500]: <n142glqv> PHP Error: SMTP server does not support authentication (POST /webmail/?_task=mail&_unlock=loading1718588056454&_framed=1&_action=send)

[16-Jun-2024 20:34:16 -0500]: <n142glqv> SMTP Error: Authentication failure: mail.stovebolt.com
> > The odd thing is, I don’t see any connection attempts at all in the mail
logs. However, this log entry has me wondering. PHP Error: SMTP server does not support authentication

Should postfix be announcing that it accepts AUTH LOGIN? If so, I may have missed something in the config. I’m wondering if roundcube is not even attempt auth because postfix isn’t announcing it as a service that it offers.

Have you set "$config['smtp_debug'] = true;" in config.inc.php?
That might give you some more information.

Also look at "defaults.inc.php" and see if anything jumps out at you.

I've been using Roundcube for a long time, but not using authentication for sending. If they can login to the webserver then they can send mail.

                Gary    B-)

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