On 15.06.24 12:14, John Levine via Postfix-users wrote:
People I'm working with have a short list of addresses from which they
don't want to accept mail at all, and they'd like to reject as early
as possible without running it through anti-spam milters, ideally by
rejecting the SMTP MAIL FROM command. What's the best way to do this?
The list is short so if it has to be hand-edited into config files,
that's OK.
I'm not sure exactly why they want to do it this way but they have
been running mail systems for a long time (some of you surely know
them) and I assume they have sensible reasons.
Note that at SMTP level, you can reject senders globally, and recipients
Thus, if you reject mail from any sender, none of recipients will be able to
get mail from that user.
If one of recipients wants to accept mail from a sender while another
recipient doesn't, teoretically you can reject that sender at recipient
level, but that complicates configuration (but it's possible).
This would mean that for single mail to more recipients, sendes gets
accepted and different recipients get refused.
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