Hi list

maybe someone has a good idea :-)

I'm looking for a way to reliably determine how long a message sits in
active queue. Currently I use postqueue -j and pipe it to jq, get only
hits from queue_id==active and then get arrival time, sort it by
arrival time, take the oldest and calculate the difference to current

> if [ $(sudo postqueue -j | jq 'select(.queue_name=="active")' | wc -
l) -gt 0 ] ; then echo $(( $(date +'%s') - $(sudo postqueue -j | jq
'select(.queue_name=="active") | .arrival_time' | sort | head -n1) )) ;
else echo 0 ; fi

this works well for the first run of the message in active queue but
for subsequent runs doing the diff to arrival_time is a bit biased :-)
As it's not the time in active queue anymore but the time since

Any good idea how the get the time of when postfix took the message
into active queue? Beside parsing the whole mail.log as this takes too
long (it's a zabbix check and our zabbix waits at most 3s for a check
to return)

Or would it be possible in future postfix releases to teach the
postqueue command to return the "last time taken into active queue" for
each message in active?

Kind regards and have a good one

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