Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote in <4tqsmy5jfczj...@spike.porcupine.org>: |Wietse Venema via Postfix-users: |> Again, Postfix does not store line terminators, not when email comes |> from UNIX tool with \n, via SMTP with \r\n, or encapsulated as |> netstrings which uses neither. |> |> Instead, Postfix generates line terminators upon output, and until |> now they are always \n. | |In headers that Postfix sends to a milter. I may want to change that |or at least make it configurable with an appropriate default.
I think the IETF has to adapt to what is reality and adjust the standard(s maybe even). |I just checked what happens with bodies. There, the Postfix Milter |client is hard coded to send lines ending in "\r\n". That is all i will do today, modifying my MUA to be able to send a message with plain LF's and CR's in it. I am pretty sure that "they" will require that to be treated as WSP, too. Thanks, Wietse Venema. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt) _______________________________________________ Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org To unsubscribe send an email to postfix-users-le...@postfix.org