On Tue, 2 Jan 2024 at 13:13, Matus UHLAR - fantomas via Postfix-users <
postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> http://www.postfwd.org/ratelimits.html
> Of course, if there is any other tool that can do that, I'll look.
> However, I need to find the limits to set.  Guessing is quite hard as some
> clients post too many mails, I'd like to have limits safe and not limiting.
I am using limits per sasl_sender set via postfix-cluebringer. I have a
per-hour and per-day limit set.
To avoid customer complains, email which is over the limit is not rejected,
just put into the HOLD queue for manual inspection and release and alert in
monitoring system is triggered when there is any email waiting in the HOLD
queue. I know it's not very scalable, but with reasonable limits it's
working fine.
I have 3 policy groups - normal, higher limits and spam. I put users which
send many emails in the second group and senders which send from 5
different countries in 24 hours into the spam group, which has limit only 1
per day (so basically all emails go to HOLD queue). I might need another
group, which would be just for bulk senders (for example 150 pay slips at
the beginning of month and then nothing for the rest of the month).

  bye, Marki
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