Dnia 20.11.2023 o godz. 22:00:01 Joseph Castry via Postfix-users pisze:
> For exemple, I receive mails from oysu...@jipstalles.de
> <mailto:oysu...@jipstalles.de> to jcrh...@izac.fr <mailto:jcrh...@izac.fr>
> on my mailbox cont...@jcingenierie.fr <mailto:cont...@jcingenierie.fr>
> How can I block them, please ?

If these addresses don't exist on your server, the server should reject
the mail, isn't it enough?

(If the server doesn't reject, yo did something wrong in the configuration.)
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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