On 26.09.23 10:45, Polarian via Postfix-users wrote:
The complaint and the reason why some email providers intentionally do
not support IPv6 is that the IPv4 exhaustion can be used as a benefit
for lazy security.

Due to the number of IPv6, email server spam is a lot harder to block,
there is more addresses. I have seen this complained about a lot.

Blocking spam senders is nearly as important as blocking spam.

Otherwise, there is no reason for senders to avoid sending spam from their networks/servers.

So I think it is intentional the fact that some spam checkers
intentionally flag IPv6 emails simply because the number of addresses
and the ease of just using a different IP address.

Personally I argue IP banning is not an effective method of security,
but yet it is what most companies employ for their application and it
is why every site on the internet (well almost) will log your IP
addresses for weeks to try to spot suspicious patterns.

Scoring (instead of simply banning) mail sender is quite effective, because you don't have to receive and parse whole e-mail.

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