> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org 
> [mailto:owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org] On Behalf Of J.P. Trosclair
> Sent: Thursday, 26 March 2009 11:05 AM
> To: mouss+nob...@netoyen.net
> Cc: postfix-users@postfix.org
> Subject: Re: [maybe OT] postfix HA
> mouss wrote:
> > I am trying to "collect" methods to setup postfix in an HA 
> > configuration, for "outbound" relay (no MUA involved). a use case is

> > using multiple postfix boxes to relay mail out for one or more 
> > exchange servers. there are many possibilities. which one is 
> > "good/recommended/easy/blahblah"? This is somewhat off topic since
> > problem is mostly on the client (exchange or other) side rather than

> > postfix. but I think this is a real need. and if I get enough infos,
> > can aggregate them and submit that as a howto/readme.

We have an Exchange infrastructure (9 servers) with two Postfix servers
as the sole outbound MUAs in geographically-diverse sites. All we use is
simply a DNS round-robin alias that points to both Postfix servers,
which the external STMP connector for the Exchange org (and all the
servers inside it) is configured to use. Fairly standard setup - some
round-robin implementations can also do some smarts to determine which
hosts are actually up before returning the IP to the enquirer.

Since these are real SMTP connections, if the first host that is
resolved via the round-robin is unavailable, the Exchange server will
simply retry until get gets a host that replies.

If you want to direct outbound traffic via a specific Postfix
server/round robin alias for specific Exchange servers, and perhaps
another group of Exchange servers via a different outbound route, there
is no problem with setting up more than one SMTP connecter in the
Exchange org, and adding the appropriate servers/round-robin alias  to
that specific SMTP connector.

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