On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 01:41:22PM -0700, Post Freak wrote:

> I'm not as concerned about the locally delivered mail. My main concern
> is I can email recipients outside the network even though I have specified
> the restriction.
The restriction is an *SMTP server* restriction and cannot possibly apply
to mail that did not arrive via SMTP.

If you want to be unable to deliver mail to other addresses, rather
than accept SMTP mail for other addresses, you need to specify transport
settings that break delivery to all other users.

    default_transport = error:5.7.1 Destination access denied
    transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

        u...@example.com        smtp

Or something along these lines. Of course bounces may be a bit problematic
if you accept mail from senders not on the list.


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