Chris Dos wrote:
Noel Jones wrote:
Chris Dos wrote:
Well, pointing the gun the wrong way is differently something that I
don't want to be doing.  But in the case,
I'm confused.  I'm having mail-dr send out to another server,, on the internet.  Mail-DR is
a separate mail server all together on a different domain and
network.  I'm just sending the e-mail to my
server to test this.

I'm doing  smtpd_recipient_restrictions and adding that hash.  That
won't work for outgoing e-mail?

All postfix restrictions operate on input, ie. when mail is received by
postfix.  Can't change that.

  -- Noel Jones

Okay, since the e-mail never finishes sending because the user is unknown on 
the other end and it is rejected
right away, is there another way to do this.

The whole point of this exercise for me is to just intercept a bounce back and 
process it internally instead
of bouncing it back to the person that originally sent the mail.  The best way 
seems to be to use VERP.  Is
there something I'm missing or a different way to go about doing this.  Maybe 
pass all initial bounces through
procmail or something to that affect?


Internally generated bounces don't go through procmail or anything, they're just delivered to the original sender address.

Maybe it would be better if you describe the actual problem you're trying to solve rather than asking how to implement a possible solution.

  -- Noel Jones

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