On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:39 AM, mouss <mo...@ml.netoyen.net> wrote:
> Simon a écrit :
>> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Simon <grem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> You are expanding the virtual aliase BEFORE the Amavis filter,
>>>> and another time after mail is filtered.
>>>> See http://www.postfix.org/FILTER_README, and look for examples
>>>> with receive_override_options.
>>> Thanks again.. OK: So the mail is getting delivered before amavis,
>>> which is fine for the normal address..  but the pipe gets delivered,
>>> then after amavis gets delivered again? Is that right?
>>> I need postfix to accept mail based on the virtual alises, filter the
>>> mail thru amavis, then deliver the mail to dbmail via dbmail-lmtp - am
>>> i going about this the correct way?
>> Bump.. can anyone check out this and see if i have things right?
> you need no pipe with amavisd-new.
> if mail gets delivered twice, you probably forgot to disable rewrite
> before amavisd-new. check amavisd-new README.postfix and follow it
> strictly. only when you get things working can you start customization.

Sorry - i need to understand this correct in my head.

Currently i have it setup like this:

Network > Postfix > Content Filter (amavis) > Postfix > Network (DBMail)

What is happening is listed in the thread, but basically the alias
that allows postfix to accept mail for t...@testdomain.co.nz, and then
deliver it thru the system to dbmail is working fine. Its when i add a
2nd alias for t...@testdomain.co.nz that points it to the
autoresponder service (defined in master.cf).. I get 2 emails
delivered to the autoresponder. So am i correct that in the above
flow, it is delivering the mail to the autoresponder script before and
after amavis?


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