Run 70+ Virtual Domains in POSTFIX
Postfix logs to /var/log/mail.log
Would like to see graphs & stats separately for each domain.
I have been attempting to use Awstats with included maillogconvert.pl
Since I use amavisd-new I first process the mail.log with prepflog.pl
The Awstats,prepflog,Maillogconvert seems promising, but it's not
playing nice. It's generating the same statics for every Domain. As you
can see it only mentions virtual domains with VAdmin QMail.
Has anyone experience with running multiple domains in Postfix and
generating separate graphs and statistics for each domain. (so that
owners of each domain can view just their email graphs & stats)
Anyone interested in graphing their Postfix traffic including SPAM check
out mailgraph
This is really good, but would be nice if it would work per domain.
I have checked Freshmeat, Sourceforge .. there seems to be lots of
graphing programs, just not many that handle postfix logs with virtual
domains and then graph.
Any ideas welcome. Thanks so much.
Ubuntu Server X64 6.06
Postfix 2.2.10