On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 04:22:00PM -0600, LuKreme wrote:

>> Yes, provided of course the hash table only contained domains. Or could
>> just set:
>>    virtual_alias_domains = hash:$config_directory/virtual
> Ah... er... OK, now you lost me again.  What in $DEITY's name would be the 
> point of that? Wouldn't I still have to then have
> domain.tld anything
> in $config_directory/virtual?

Yes, you would, but the point is that the mysql and pcre tables used to
rewrite recipients are no longer used when determining the address class
of domains in trivial-rewrite, and it is now clear where alias domains
are defined.

You can use hash tables if you want Postfix to automatically notice that
the table has changed without a reload. If the list is very stable, main.cf
is just fine, but both are equally sensible. The point to separate the
domains from the addresses, the format of the domains: inline vs. indexed
file is up to you.


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