Victor Duchovni wrote:
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 09:05:28AM -0700, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:

<snip />

Well, the only opportunity to respond an SMTP command is in respnse to
*that* command, so originally these took place at the time of the
correspoding SMTP command.

        connect:        client restrictions
        EHLO:           helo restrictions
        MAIL FROM:      sender restrictions
        RCPT TO:        recipient restrictions
        DATA:           data restrictions
        .:              end of data restrictions (added recently)

Later is was recognized that there are good reasons to delay processing of
and error responses in "connect", "EHLO" and "MAIL" until "RCPT", hence:

this does not change the order, just the timing, but the earlier restrictions
are now evaluated once for each recipient, rather than once per message, and
can make use of the (current) recipient address.

And who handles header_checks and when?

I've read this before but missed/forgot this portion, though it is in the first paragraph of the Description.

Sorry to be a pain but I was hoping to not have to dive into the code.

You could try the documentation instead.

Oh I have but find myself getting lost as I follow links that lead to other links that lead to more links. Pretty soon I forgot what I started out looking for. :-( Old age? :-)

You know I think I better go back to lurking and reading.


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