On Mar 5, 2009, at 7:14, ghe <g...@slsware.com> wrote:
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Barney Desmond wrote:
This is a little unclear. I interpret that to mean mail sent from
server, from u...@a.com, should appear to come from u...@b.com, so
that the return-path will be at b.com - is this correct? You then
you want "to rewrite the destination address on its way out", but
that'd be inconsistent.
Not quite. I want the recipient's Reply button to send to u...@b.com
when replying to mail received from u...@a.com.
But a.com is not you, so how do you intend to control that?
What you want is for user to add a reply-to header to their outbound
mail.. I suppose there must be a way to create a filter to add that
header (formail?)