On 2/13/2009 6:36 AM, deconya wrote:
> Im new postfix and Im learning how to use. My first problem is about the
> spam because in my server are incoming mails with my domain but using
> bad adresses and making copy to the aol.com <http://aol.com> domain. Im
> making:

Don't accept messages for invalid recipients.

I'm confused about the second part of your complaint... are you sure you
are not an open relay?

> #postqueue -p | grep ' Feb ....@aol.com <http://aol.com/>' | sed 's/*//' |
> awk '{print $1}' >spam.txt
> but not appears de ID. I need to filter to domins in different lines,
> for exemple:
> ID     -m...@mydomina.com <mailto:m...@mydomina.com>
>         -m...@aol.com <mailto:m...@aol.com>
> How I can make this?

You'll get a lot more help if you follow the instructions that were in
the welcome message you got when you signed up to the list...

Specifically and for starters, output of postconf -n and logs exhibiting
the problem?


Best regards,


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