Quanah Gibson-Mount:
> --On Monday, February 09, 2009 12:57 PM -0500 Victor Duchovni 
> <victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com> wrote:
> >     <http://www.postfix.org/PACKAGE_README.html>
> And just to confirm, the steps here worked beautifully, thank you. :)
> I did have to use an install root of /../ since it won't take /.  I build 
> with a prefix of /opt/zimbra/postfix-<version> already, so it kept 
> installing into /opt/zimbra/postfix-<version>/opt/zimbra/postfix-<version> 
> and /opt/zimbra/postfix-<version>/opt/zimbra/data/spool/postfix.
> It would be nice if there was someway for it to recognize it was already 
> built with a prefix, so no need to go down multiple layers.  But I have an 
> easily working solution to it. :)

It's good to hear that the instructions are still (mostly) correct.
This was released in 2002 and there have plenty of opportunities
for bit-rot to creep in.


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