Hi all!

I have created a "pluggable" policy server for Postfix and made it
available at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pfxpold/

http://pfxpold.wiki.sourceforge.net is a documentation fragment.

The long story:

It's really just a humble forking server written in Perl, wrapped around
a check routine loaded as a Perl module. Unprivileged and chrooted
operation have been implemented. The daemon in its original
implementation has already proven to be very robust for many millions of

Pfxpold could also be used for greylisting, SPF, or whatever else comes
to mind, by just loading a few lines of Perl into the main daemon. Basic
OO Perl skills are required for deployment, though.

I would be grateful if those about to implement similar projects could
have a look at my humble project. Needless to say, all suggestions,
improvements and contributions are extremely welcome.

I hope that usage of the name "Postfix" in the project name is
acceptable. If not, please let me know and I'll be glad to come up with
something else.

Thanks for your time,


Martin Schmitt / Schmitt Systemberatung / www.scsy.de
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