i'm using an ldap lookup map for virtual_maibox_maps and haven't been
able to get the lookup to work quite the way i'd like. users exist in
the ldap tree as
uid=user,ou=people,ou=users,ou=accounts,dc=example,dc=com, and
currently i'm using the mailLocalAddress attribute to store addresses
which should be delivered to the filesystem, by virtual. users
potentially have multiple addresses in their entry using this
attribute, each of which should be delivered to a discrete mailbox -
dn: uid=user,ou=people,ou=users,ou=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
mailLocalAddress: u...@foo.com - delivered to foo.com/user/Maildir/
mailLocalAddress: u...@bar.net - delivered to bar.net/user/Maildir/
mailLocalAddress: u...@foobar.org - delivered to foobar.org/u/Maildir/
this works well for entries that contain only a single
mailLocalAddress attribute, but not so well when multiple attributes
exist. using %U and %D in the result_format value appeared to be a
step in the right direction, but still returns more than one result,
which suggested that there might be a more sensible approach. i also
experimented with expansion_limit and size_limit, neither of which
appeared to change the outcome (aside from introducing failures).
at first glance, it seems to me that being able to use % expansions in
the result_attribute might get me what i'm after (e.g.
result_attribute = mailLocalAddress=%s or such), the idea being that
only attributes that matched a particular value would be returned.
since this isn't possible though, according to the ldap_table man
page, i'm wondering how else i might achieve my goal, without
requiring independent entries in ldap for each mailbox.